Sunday, August 29, 2010

You are Never Alone!

In facing pain, we often shrink within. We see smiling faces, hear laughing voices, and we want to run away and distance ourselves. I can remember a time of great pain in my own life and I remember feeling very much alone. To read my story, go to Believe in a Ray of Hope.

For now, I want to show you how to connect with your heart, your head, and your humanity while avoiding needless suffering. In the video below, Pema Chodron helps you to learn about a simple practice that can help you to transform your pain into compassion. She teaches a simple phrase, that shakes you out of complacency. As of consequence of implementing this practice, our energies are shifted, and we start thinking bigger which benefits not only ourselves but those who are special to us!

May we all open our hearts and minds and remember that "other people feel this." May we all be free of this pain and this sense of isolation! May we always remember to connect with our hearts, our minds, and our humanity. This is my hope.

What are your hopes?

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