Sunday, September 20, 2009

T/TAC - A Great Resource for Parents, Educators and Those They Serve!

The Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) website: is a great resource with endless possibilities for parents and educators and for those they serve.

This is a resource for those in VA and provides great information to all, no matter where you live. I was especially impressed with the resources and online training. At this site, you will also find info on Assistive Technology, SOLs, and Upcoming Events. This resource is funded by the Virginia Department of Education.

T/TAC Online provides resources and linkages to help parents, educators and youth with disabilities. T/TAC offices are linked to universities around the commonwealth of Virginia.

To see the Parent/Family category:
1) Go to the website:
2) Click on your region off of the map.
3) Click on one of the tabs labeled: Resources, Events or Online Training.
4) Once on selected page or section, scroll down to "Parents/Family." (left side of page) -- Click on the word, Parents/Family for more information.

I encourage you to take a look and let me know what is most valuable to you and your special ones.

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