Looking for inspiration after a rather challenging week, I decided to follow up on a lead I had received at a telecommuting conference this week. A Google representative and I chatted about the work we do and discovered that we both write policy for our organizations. He shared a tip that he found useful and encouraged me to try it. I learned that it was a great tool for finding stories on topics of interest via the Internet.
I googled Google Reader as he suggested, located the site, and typed in Abilities with Disabilities, knowing that I am always inspired by stories that highlight innate talents/abilities that help us overcome our challenges/disabilities.
Almost instantly, a wonderful link emerged that led me to the Justice for All (JFA)Blog and the remarkable story of Diana and Kathy. Diana and Kathy have been friends for 42years and living interdependently for most of those years. They met in a sheltered workshop in 1970 and they teamed up to stay out of institutional settings. Kathy who died unexpectedly just last week had severe cerebral palsy and her caretaker of 38 years, Diana, has Down Syndrome. Together, they capitalized on their individual strengths, overcame major obstacles, served one another with love and compassion, and lived fully. They not only stayed out of institutions, but became wonderful advocates and role models for those living with challenges.
Their story warms the heart and spirit and inspires us to live courageously. Read more about them and be inspired to follow the lead of these two courageous souls at this link: http://www.dianaandkathy.com/
The press release about Diana and Kathy and their upcoming movie is found here:
You can view a short clip of their movie which will be shown on PBS in October by clicking on this link, http://dianaandkathy.com/purchase/bstrailer.php
Let me know how you will step out to make a difference this week. How will you reach out to serve another? What strength do you have and how will you use it?