Monday, March 2, 2009

Paying It Forward - A Lesson in Generosity

As a parent, I want my children to be successful. I want them to have friends, to be loved and to have positive relationships with each other. I want them to be satisfied with themselves and their jobs. I want them to be physically and mentally healthy and to be financially comfortable. Further, it is my hope that they will be spiritually content and grow up to be productive members of society while living satisfying and rewarding lives.

As a parent of children with learning disabilities, I am seeking positive adult outcomes and I am wondering how I can nurture social competence and success attributes while I still have them under my roof. How can I help them to help others? In today's world, I see people struggling all around me and I am wondering what I can do to make the world a kinder, more caring place for my children.

When I listen to the small voice within, the message is clear. I must be a positive role model. If I want to make the world a better place, I have to look at the woman in the mirror and begin with myself. Rather than tell them over and over... to be kind..., to treat others with dignity and respect..., I must show them in my actions what it means to care for others.

I invite you to view the video below and see what this community did when they saw their colleagues in danger of loosing their jobs. Their generosity helped to keep teachers in their jobs despite the terrible economy and slashed budgets. They put their heads together and collaborated and their collective action made a difference. Their actions inspire me to do likewise and to pay it forward for the benefit of my community and my children. I am reminded, we are all connected.

Enjoy the video and let me know how you will pay it forward.

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